• Messages in the Golden Light

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Monika Chiara (en-GB)

116. Jeremiah with Isaiah

Now is the time to get out of all fears!

Jeremiah is calling you - the old man from the Bible. Now united with Isaiah, the great prophet and seer.
As one, we turn to you with a short request: Sanctify your lives! Sanctify yourselves! Don't be careless with yourselves!  Be loving with your bodies, which are a temple of God. Be loving with yourselves, understanding, compassionate, sensitive! Never judge yourselves for whatever! Learn from your so-called mistakes, learn from them, but do not judge! You are and will remain children of God, just as you are!
Try to, yes, to recognize, to grow, to go ahead on your way. Yes, let it go forward, into the light. But never with regret, condemnation, only with love for yourselves. Love should carry you, accompany you, be within you, fill you.
When you are filled with love for yourself, you will radiate it - be able to truly love others, to accept them in their So-Being.
When you stumble and catch yourselves judging, it always has to do with yourselves, with undiscovered and unhealed soul parts.
This does NOT mean that you have to approve everything that comes your way, Heaven forbid! It is only a matter of widening your heart, giving room in love to the other, stranger, unknown, perhaps also arousing fear. Because the foreign, the unknown is often simply a mirror of your own fear.
Even in our lifetime, people were afraid. Fear of strangers, fear of war, fear of hunger, fear of death.
Now is the time to get out of all fears. Because fear paralyzes and narrows the view, constricts the breath.
Love, on the other hand, widens the heart, the experience. Trust as well.  Love and trust are two equal, valuable sisters. Shake hands with them, these sisters, join up behind them, follow them! They lead you in the right direction! Because love, the real love, is never, never wrong!
Test your love, keep it pure and live it!
That is our message to you today.
Thank God forever and ever for all of our existence.
Hallelujah. Amen.


You are loved!
SOURCE hears every thanks, takes up every prayer. Is always there. Always. With you and the planet. With every little creature.
You are all my creatures. My children. My dear beloved being. Created by ME, living in ME. FROM me alive. Being out of me. CREATING out of me.
You are creators! Out of me, inside me, with me. We together. Always. Inseparable. ONE. Being in love.
Come and lean on me. Snuggle into my love. Into me. The wide, comprehensive cloak of love-all.
I love you all!
God, Adonai, the Unexpressable and yet so close. The one who exist with you. Day and night.
Familiar. Yes, familiar.
I love you from the depths of my eternal being. Always. And always. Unbreakable.

46. Sai Baba

Sai Baba

My dear child, I am here, Sai Baba. You know me and and you know me through Guru Subramanium, right?

Yes, be aware of my presence. My holy, healing power. It will now flow through these lines and words.

Love - that was the drive for me during my life time. Living love, serving love in humans, for humans.
I was an ancient soul  - had come again to serve, to wake up. To lead to love.

Thousands of them came and besieged my feet (smiles). Thousands of them listened to me. Thousands of them talked about me - and yet they meant the love that flowed through me.

They let themselves be touched by the divine, all-encompassing love they felt in my presence, in my presence, in my rooms. They got an idea of what Divine Love IS.

It's good to love. It is good to be lifted by love. In turn, to raise others, to touch others.

It is good to surrender to love, confide in whatever form it encounters us. Real, pure Love can NEVER be wrong.

Well, you all know that love can make you suffer too. I return to ask: Is it true, has it been pure love? Go inside and look carefully -


Love in the "human" form always has "defects", restrictions, right? It shows limitations when stretching. Often cannot stretch.

Yes, oh yes.
I have often seen this need, often felt it. And taught you. Try to lead you to the place of pure love source.

And yet, it is up to you, and only to you, to follow this path. We teachers can only show you the way. To live it just as you have learned from Jesus, the Christ. But you have to go the way yourself.

It is true that this capacity to love, to love this unconditional gift, is inherent in all of you. This is just like it is. But often it is superimposed by all sorts of filth, obstacles of all kinds: emotions, old, unhealed injuries. And ego, the good, old ego (smiling warmly and wisely).

The ego plays a central role in our lives, in the life of every human being. But yes - what role do you leave, do you let it play? The main role? An important supporting role? Just a minor role? An extras role? Or even just the stage designer?

You see what I'm after?


Yes, research, research honestly inside you, IN you! VERY honest, without appreciation.

(Silence - Sai Baba gives time and space)

Well, all of us, you are all actors on the big stage of life. The roles sometimes interchange, take turns. What is ALWAYS left is your essence. It is inherent in EVERY role. In EVERYONE.

And now it depends on how you shape your role, your game.
With love, with fervor, with a lot of passion? Or rather indifferent, bored - like a tired spectator in the auditorium, waiting for the end of the show?
What do you choose, what did you choose? Who is your director?

Many questions, isn’t it, asks Sai Baba early in the morning.
But there are important questions on the way in. On the way to yourself. On the way to love IN you. On the way to your Divine Core.
Important questions.

Move them in you, in your hearts, over and over again. Sincere and honest. Look, look closely! The motives are often well hidden - and treacherous. It has to be discovered, brought to light - and then redeemed. Then an important step is done. Another important step.

(Silence - then I see Sai Baba laugh)

Yes, accept my laughter, my love, fed by the Source. I served as a channel - for you. In my way as light sometimes (smiles) -

I also wanted to show and bring to you the lightness of being, the lightness that can be, with all seriousness. Because God is also extremely humorous, did you know that? (Smiles)

Oh yes, the creator and with him the whole universe also have a sense of humor only you humans often do not have it. You are deadly serious.
There are many reasons to laugh, to be carefree and simply to be happy.

Life is NOT there to be serious, oh no! Also, but never only! No way!

Love also needs free, happy laughter to be able to express itself. The gentle, loving smile. A cheerful get-together beyond the words. To be touched in the deep - oh, love can do so much, so much!

Go and be good actors on the stage of your life! Take your book in your own hands! Be yourself your director - and spectator at the same time! Sit relaxed in the auditorium and watch as you dance around on stage - that could make you smile. Maybe even a laugh attack (laughs heartily).

Laughter cleanses, wipes away much that is no longer useful. And puts the ego in its place. You are never as honest and carefree as when you laugh! (smiles warmly)

And then the way is free to love, to love!

I have closed!

(Sai Baba leaves the room laughing)

78. Saint Barbara

Get out of your minds!
Saint Barbara is here. Enters the room with her gentle nature, illuminates it from her heart. Welcomes and touches your hearts.
It had been dark times that you ascribe to me, as so often on this planet, in human history. And yet I managed to hold on to my inner light in the darkness. To wear it. To be carried outside.
This is the secret of God's connection: to recognize, to guard, to nourish the light in oneself - no matter what happens or does not happen around it. It takes a lot of practice and trust to keep returning to this point. The resistance is often great and the emotions are intense. They in particular often threaten to take us with them, to pull us down, to behave in an uncontrolled manner.
That's when steadfastness is needed. Trust. In ourselves, in our own power - in God in us. Into the light within us.
Sometimes the flow of life slows down. Makes us run aground. Collision with seemingly insurmountable stones, obstacles of all kinds. Even then it's a matter of trust. For the flow of life ALWAYS carries us SO WE CONFIDENCE.
However, it can take other ways than planned if we want to force something, force OUR WAY. Then things can literally go wrong and we, our little ship of life, capsize.
And yet, we can never fall deeper than into His, into God's hand. In the hand of the Almighty, almighty God. He holds us, ALWAYS. On the darkest night, in the shallowest, deepest, blackest water. He is there - even if we feel lost, screaming and complaining.
What to do in such times of need? The grievances, internally and externally?
Uncouple yourselves from thinking. From all-round thinking. From circling around what is. Get rid of your thoughts - because they lead to emotions, to often violent and uncontrollable emotions. And MUCH pain.
How to turn off the thought carousel, you ask?
Connect yourselves to your breath.
On - off. On - off.
Force your thoughts, your mind, to breathe again and again.
On - off. On - off. On - off.
Find a place outside where you feel safe and at home. Whether in the forest, in a park, under a bush or somewhere where you feel comfortable at home. Consciously calm down, concentrate on your breath. And then find the place in your INSIDE that is your home.
Feel -
Tears may flow - tears cleanse the soul - allow the advancement to your being, your core. Welcome them - and then let them go again in gratitude.
Be yourselves your teachers, your consolation. Be and find your strength in yourself - your spilled power waiting to be found and lifted. You will find them, for sure! Familiar!
And so even in the deepest winter of feelings, of chaos, my Barbara branch will blossom, be certain.
It is never hopeless, even if it seems so! Often it is a question of perspective, of focus, which must change. That takes time sometimes. And maturing. Give yourselves and life this time. NOW.
In deep love and connectedness
Your Barbara of the Cross of Christ
Om Shanti Om
Om Namah Shivaya
Amen Mister Tsebaoth